Friday, 20 February 2009

Dancing Boys.

Just a quick post to tell you how much Friendly Fires are really doing it for me at the moment.

I've always really liked their music, especially their new, self-titled album, given the magic touch by Paul Epworth - but I never realised the truly amazing dancing skills of the lead singer, Ed Macfarlane.

I don't know why the fuck everyone's banging on about Jack PeƱate's hip shaking when this guy has got rhythmic skills of the first order.

Check out this amazing little move he pulls off around 35 seconds in....

Literally, it makes me so happy to watch this guy dance. Not in a lustful way, I just really, really, really want to be his friend.

I haven't been this happy watching someone dance since George Sampson's performance on Britain's Got Talent. I almost cried when I saw this for the first time. I'm a sucker for a sad story and a boy who loves his mum.


Anyway, Ed Macfarlane. Congratulations, you are the John Travolta of our generation.

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