Friday, 20 February 2009

Dancing Boys.

Just a quick post to tell you how much Friendly Fires are really doing it for me at the moment.

I've always really liked their music, especially their new, self-titled album, given the magic touch by Paul Epworth - but I never realised the truly amazing dancing skills of the lead singer, Ed Macfarlane.

I don't know why the fuck everyone's banging on about Jack Peñate's hip shaking when this guy has got rhythmic skills of the first order.

Check out this amazing little move he pulls off around 35 seconds in....

Literally, it makes me so happy to watch this guy dance. Not in a lustful way, I just really, really, really want to be his friend.

I haven't been this happy watching someone dance since George Sampson's performance on Britain's Got Talent. I almost cried when I saw this for the first time. I'm a sucker for a sad story and a boy who loves his mum.


Anyway, Ed Macfarlane. Congratulations, you are the John Travolta of our generation.

Lulu and the Lampshades

Our very own Lulu, of Lulu and the Lampshades fame played at the Lock Tavern last Friday.

In addition to her amazing upbeat folky live performance, she was joined by two dancing Lampshades (sporting matching floral onesies) either side of her to keep it every so wonderfully charming and unrehearsed.

Lulu and the Lampshades are destined for big things in the near future. Check out their music at and maybe pop down to her next gig for some Lampshade groin thrusting in action.

Photos by Jonangelo Molinari

Monday, 16 February 2009

Teaches of Peaches

Peaches is so motherfucking back.

Well, almost.

She's done a mix tape with Drums of Death that's pretty abrasive on the ears - in a good way of course.

Hopefully it won't take too long before we can hear more of her new stuff and watch her go completely fucking nuts on stage clutching a dildo between her legs amongst mounds of pubic hair. I love it.

You can listen to the mixtape HERE.

Ross Kemp.

I'd completely forgotten about the bizarre 'hard man' that is Ross Kemp until I saw him in the Lock Tavern in Camden Town last Friday.

Most people will remember him as Grant Mitchell from Eastenders. But somehow he has managed to leave the Albert Square stigma behind him, established himself as a serious documentary filmmaker, won a BAFTA and become an advisor to Boris Johnson on how to tackle gang crime in London.

Are you being fucking serious?

Has anyone SEEN 'Ross Kemp On Gangs'? It's possibly one of the most ridiculously funny things I have ever had the pleasure of pissing my pants laughing at.

It all started off in Afganistan where Ross gets all Apocolypse Now and shows the Taliban who's boss.

"This is the most exciting morning I have had for a veeeerrry long time, I can assure you of that"

Oh really, Ross? Well, here's an idea; seeming as you're so experienced with guns, rocket launchers, tanks, fact, almost every type of killing machine known to 'bout we just leave all this war stuff up to you and you can go and single-handedly fight the Taliban whilst getting your jollies off at the same time?

It's a win win situation all round.

Well, it literally was a win win situation for Ross because HE WON A FUCKING BAFTA FOR THAT SHIT. I know it's only really old people that pay attention to the BAFTA's but Grant from Eastenders winning a fucking award for a serious piece of documentary film making really is other worldly to me.

You'd think after morally conquering Afganistan, Ross would fuck off back to Walford and spend the rest of his years polishing his award but no, he's got bigger guns to shoot and he needs to make sure the rest of the UK are informed in the most sincere and arrogant way possible.

What I actually like about Ross Kemp on Gangs is the fact that it reveals the fact that:

A) He is completely and utterly stupid.


B) He has an obsession, and probably sexual relations, with firearms.

Here (if you forward the video to about 6 minutes), Ross goes to the Favelas of Rio De Janiro to report on how bad the gangs are and stuff and along the way manages to squeeze in time to visit a massive gun storage unit owned by the Police.


The utter glee on his face is quite amazing to watch. He literally looks like he's about to come in his pants. I think he probably has by the way he's rigidly shuffling around that maze of guns.

What's even better is the way he repeats whatever his guide says in English into his own style of Brazilian accent. That's probably what clinched the BAFTA for him.

I leave you with how it should have been.

Belated Valentines.

Dear WASTEradio fans,

Happy Valentines Day.

Sorry it's late, but lets just pretend we're being fashionable.

Be ours 4 eva.

Sexual eruptions.



Thursday, 5 February 2009

Christian Bale: Club Remix

So latest celebrity gossip is that Christian Bale went mental whilst filming the latest Terminator film. The DP was walking around, so he went off his rocker. The most hilarious thing about the tantrum was his ludicrous accent, which strayed from American to Cockney to, rather bizarrely, Australian. What about your Welsh roots Mr. American Psycho? Though it's true that it must have been fairly distracting to have someone prance around mid-scene, a phrase that Laurence Olivier apparently said to Dustin Hoffman on the set of 'Marathon Man' came to mind. Hoffman appeared on set an absolute mess as he hadn't slept for a few days. He said that this was so that he could get into character, to which Olivier replied "try acting dear boy". 

Clichéd film anecdotes aside, the real purpose of this post is that I came across an amusing club remix of the whole episode. Enjoy.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Chicken Dance

Forget all the booty shaking/arm flailing/jumpstyling moves that are being thrown down in clubs today. THIS is what people will dance like in the future.

If anyone has a pet rooster, a support bra and some notes on how to slow time down I'd be greatful if you could send them on over to me. Ta.
